Saturday, June 25, 2016

Driving License,Registration Certificate, LLR (Obtain Learner Driving License)Project for the State of Maharashtra-  50RTOs

We are looking for the State Vendor who can perform this Job for 50RTOs in Maharashtra.

Total per month printing would be 3,00,000 (3Lakhs)cards on all 50RTOs in Maharashtra.



Per Card Profit-Rs.14 for each DL - Rs.14, RC - Rs.14, LLR - Rs.14
Inclusive of all Expenses, Vendor will get Rs.14, Exclusive of all taxes.


Total 3,00,000 (Three Lakhs Cards) to be printed over 1 month in all 50 RTOs in Maharashtra.
Total 36,00,000 (Thirty Six Lakhs Cards) to be printed over 1 year in all 50 RTOs in Maharashtra.



Contract period is  5 Years, So Total data is 1,80,00,000(One Crore Eighty Lakhs Cards) for this whole project in Maharashtra utilising 50 RTOs.


Total 3,00,000 cards * 14 Rs / Card = 42,00,000 / month (Forty Two Lakhs Cards) per month.
Total 3,00,000 * 12months = 36,00,000 Cards * 14 Rs = 5,04,00,000/- (Five Crore Four Lakhs Only) Per year.

Overall Data Cards to be Printed for 5 Years : 5,04,00,000 * 5 Years = 25, 20, 00, 000 (Rupees Twenty Five Crores and Twenty Lakhs)




Its like a plug and play,Space in RTO,Electricity, Manpower Salary, Furnitures, Equipments
everything is supplied by the primary company itself, deducting all those per card profit
would be 14/-Rs (Fourteen Rupees Only).

So Total Profit is Rs. 25,20,00,000(Rupees Twenty Five Crores and Twenty Lakhs) for the whole contract for Maharashtra State.

Need a company profile having capabality to run and maintain all RTOs in Maharashtra  is important. Prior Training and arrangements would be made by the company after putting Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the company,and get started within two weeks from the dateof signing.

Pay a small fees for sending clear documents on mail.

One state coordinator would be allotted by the company for vendors any requirement and he/she will facilitate all the facilities to the vendor.

Security Deposit for starting this work is (7.5 Crores Deposit or 5.5 crores is negotiable)

After the contract period (Five crore is a refundable deposit and 50 Lakhs is non-refundable).

Only serious vendor who has good financial background and running capability only apply,we are looking for serious vendors only.

*Consultancy Charges Applicable on discussion

Note: The Projections Shown here are assumptive and fictitious. It is about to change or edit or it may be more or less & it is not final. Author of the Document is nowhere responsible. 

Contact Us:

Skype: host2indiaa